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What exactly is Poeltl game?


Poeltl game is a no-cost daily betting game for players of the National Basketball Association (NBA). The game was designed by a web developer from California, Gabriel Danon. Poeltl's game stands out within the Wordle multiverse, particularly to NBA fans and NBA players themselves.

The idea for the Poeltl game came from Worldle, a guessing country/territory game. The craze started by tweeting "Try Poeltl. (It's similar to Wordle however it's a basketball game with NBA Players)", Danon tweeted to his under-400 followers.

Danon was insistent his game will be a hit as there are numerous game spin-offs. Danon couldn't be more than a bit off. On the next day, over 4000 people re-tweeted the tweet and more than 200,000 matches were played.

HOW TO PLAY Poeltl Game

Poeltl game allows you to guess the name of the player in 8 attempts. It is based on the same principles as Wordle. Furthermore, it displays the silhouette of the user (just like "Who's this Pokemon? !" in the Pokemon series) as an additional clue. If you are unable to figure out what's in the silhouette, try to guess for clues!

Here's how to take part in the game:

  • Go to Poeltl
  • Instantly immediately, right away "show silhouette" to get ideas.
  • Enter the first name and last initial of the player. Drop boxes are available to be used for possible matches, like the one below.
  • After entering, information about the player's details such as conference, team division, position, and height as well as age and number will be displayed.

From here, begin to look up clues based on highlighted or not-highlighted player details.

  • Green - Details are matched to the player who is not revealed.
  • Here are the meanings of highlighted yellow specifics
    • The team was a part of the team in the past
      • Position - a player can be in this position (Guard Forward, and Center)
        Note: Some players may be in a variety of positions.
      • Other columns - more or less 2 about height (inches) and age (years) along with the number of jerseys.
    • No Highlights - No matches


  • Silhouette check - Always look at the silhouette to ensure that players are familiar with it.
  • Narrow down if you are not sure, after looking at the silhouette. Enter any name. This will assist you even if there aren't any matches. It is almost certain that you have this information already if you're playing the game. If not, here are a few guidelines to help you identify the player who is a mystery.
  • Two conferences 2 conferences NBA has only two conferences ( West and East )
    • Six Divisions Each conference includes three divisions.
      • West - Northwest, Pacific, Southwest.
      • East - Atlantic, Central, Southwest
    • 30 Teams: Each division includes five teams.
    • 3 General Positions: In basketball, there are five positions, which include those of the point guard (PG) shooting guard (SG) small forward (SF) Power forward (PF), and center (C). For Poeltl game guard (G) forward (F) along with the center (C) will be the name of the position.
    • 15 Maximum Players 15 Maximum Players NBA roster has up to 15 members (13 in active play, and 2 reserve).
  • Be sure to cover all bases. Make sure that you do not use details that are not highlighted, and identify the player with specific information that is not included in your guess.

This concludes Poeltl Game as well as how you can use it!

Happy Guessing!

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